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Vichore --- “The Modern
Sleep Instrument."
A lifestyle product to enhance your sleep quality
“50 to 70 million adults in the U.S. are affected by a sleep disorder.”
—American Sleep Association[ASA], 2021
How can we reduce stress and improve sleep with our modern technologies?
Tibetan Sing Bowl
A type of bowl that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played.
What does it do?
Stress Relief
Improving Sleep
Reducing Depression
Balancing and Harmonizing the Body
What if there is a combination of traditional sing bowls with modern technology to help with relaxation before sleep?
Design Ideation
Surface Test
Paint Test
User Test
Surface Test
Crystal Key Pad
Brass Key Pad
Aluminum Key Pad
Mode Selection
Auto-play Mode
Vichore Community
Mode Selection
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